
Despite the word ‘transitory’ being bandied about everywhere, in the context of inflation nobody really knows what it means

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Crypto Increases Happiness

Bhutan’s crypto experiment looks to be well thought out, and should have a better chance at succeeding than El Salvador’s attempts to make it legal tender

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Has China become Un-investable?

The movements last month in China equity markets can be summed up by Lenin’s quote: There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen

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A message arrived in my inbox this morning that made me chuckle. The subject was “Investment Tips: Why You Should Invest in Dogecoin”

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Bitcoin Bubble Deja Vu

My monthly column started in Jan 2018 with the inaugural topic on how Bitcoin was one of history’s biggest bubbles. A year later bitcoin lost 85% of its value and stayed low for a couple of years

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