The Role of Gold In a Portfolio by Leonardo Drago

The Role of Gold In a Portfolio

Gold has gained 66% in the last two years and just hit a new all-time high of $2075 last week, before pulling back sharply by over $200 in four days


The Second Wave Is Here

The much feared second wave of virus infections has arrived. Many have been worrying about such an event which may follow the 1918 Spanish Flu, causing a higher death toll

Passersby wearing protective face masks following an outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) are reflected on a screen displaying stock prices outside a brokerage in Tokyo, Japan, March 17, 2020. REUTERS/Issei Kato - RC2ELF9MV301

The disconnect between stock prices and the economy

Data shows that not only do stocks not follow changes in GDP, it’s actually GDP that follows changes in stock prices


Superforecasters: Wisdom of crowds versus trading on emotions

There are facts, informed extrapolations from analogies to other viruses, and with so much unknowns, most comments are just opinion or pure speculation

Investing during virus outbreaks

Investing during virus outbreaks

A plan based on hard data is the best way to analyse a changing situation

End of the year

End of the Year and End of the Decade: What to Expect

A decade ago, the prevailing investment view was that the world had reached Peak Oil, and oil companies were widely recommended as a core long-term allocation.

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Throwing Money Out of Helicopters

Ben Bernake, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve, earned the nickname ‘Helicopter Ben’ when he suggested in 2002 that helicopter money could always be used to stave off deflation.

Manufacturing Slow Down vs. Recession

Manufacturing Slow Down vs. Recession

On 1st October the US Institute of Supply Management Manufacturing data came out much worse than expected, causing a 2-day drop of 2.9%.


Bonds That Eat Your Money

The phrase ‘This Time it’s Different’ is described as the four most dangerous words in investing.