
Another Corner of Crypto Implodes: FTX – Crypto Should Not be Valued in Dollars

Following the Terra-Luna collapse in the summer we’ve had another implosion with much wider ramifications for the crypto world

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No One Knows Anything: Trend Following in a Portfolio

Goldman downgrades equities on inflation and rising yields, after the market has already dropped 20 per cent


Do You Need a Financial Advisor?
No, you probably don’t.

Last week I conducted a training session for our team, teaching them how to create a personalised plan for themselves and invest for their retirement portfolio


Recession Anxiety: How Much More Downside in Markets?

“Far more money has been lost by investors preparing for corrections, or trying to anticipate corrections, than has been lost in corrections themselves.” – Peter Lynch

Jed Emerson 2

Beyond ESG to Real Impact: Creating and Monitoring an Impactful Portfolio

Two months ago I made the argument for the need to think more deeply regarding the purpose of capital, instead of relying on basic ESG metrics that do not achieve real impact


This isn’t my First Rodeo – A Corner of Crypto Implodes

“I can’t take it anymore”

Beyond ESG to Real Impact – the Purpose of Capital

Beyond ESG to Real Impact – the Purpose of Capital

Even with the profound pain that COVID caused, it gave us time from our busy day-to-day lives by stopping everything that was, giving us a unique moment to reassess our direction…

Next Decade’s Bubble

Changing World Order and Next Decade’s Bubble

At every decade’s start we become conditioned to keep investing in the sectors that created the largest profits in the previous 10 years


How Much to Allocate in Crypto in Your Portfolio?

“With inflation at 7.5%, you lose half your money in 9 years. The only way to outperform that consistently, that I have found, is crypto. Just this year I’ve already lost half my money.” – RCM via Twitter